Are You Ready for Some Football?!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

We have purchased our season football tickets!!!!!! Yaaay!!! Same great seats as last year. From nearby seats already up on StubHub, it looks like we could make a profit for the entire season just by selling our four tickets for the LSU game.

One. Game.

Seats are going for more $$ than t.u. tickets did, folks. But, I dunno. I wanna be there. Plus I've invited one of my old BFFs, KimB, an LSU grad, to the game. She's not sure if she can come yet. If she can't, at the very least we should be able to make back more than 50% of our cost for the season by selling the extra two seats. OR Jeff can stay home and the BFF and I will go. Then we can still sell two. Although that will probably mean I'll be sitting with three LSU fans. 

Eh. They're still massively outnumbered in that section, unless everyone has the same bright idea we do to sell their season tix. Hmm. I see a price plummet on the horizon.

And... cut to randomness... Yesterday I saw a new misused homonym- queue instead of cue, in the description of a drinking game, no less. *applause* Pretty fancy there!


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