Pope Benedict the Second!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It's MIX 94.7's March Man Candy Madness. They're down to the Irresistible 8. Don't forget to vote here! I'm putting my money on GC. Not that you are surprised. (Boys, you can vote in Esquire's Sexiest Woman Alive tournament here.)

The physical therapist said the Y-Word yesterday, suggesting that I do YOGA instead of my regular high impact workouts while my knee heals. *eye roll* Being limber is a very valuable quality, however, regular old stretching does the same thing in half the time of becoming one with your inner self, and without the slightest risk of falling over and breaking your neck doing Revolved Half Moon.

So I did low impact aerobics. Yes, my knee popped a few times. Eh. I just iced it.

The Catholic Church has really gotten itself into a mess. Discouraging Bishops from reporting sex abuse crimes to the police? *sigh* It most certainly happens at churches of every denomination, but surely without mandates or even suggestions from above to engage in cover-ups. I can just see my mother shaking her head about this one.

In '05, Mom had surgery in San Antonio and I was staying with her in her hospital room. She was looped out on morphine while we watched Pope Benedict's investiture. She asked me who it was and I said, "Pope Benedict the sixteenth." Every time he appeared on the TV screen, she would energetically cheer, "Pope Benedict the second!!"  I corrected her the first eight or ten times and then gave up. It was pretty funny. Lauren and I still say it today when we see him.

The other amusement from that time was when Mom told the nurse she needed a pain pill and the nurse very unfortunately pointed to the morphine pump button Mom was holding, and said, "That's your pain pill."

I spent two days trying to keep her from putting that thing in her mouth. Literally every few minutes she would do it.

Me: Don't eat that.
Mom: I need my pain pill.
Me: It's a button. You have to push it.
Mom: Oh. Don't eat that.
Me: Right.

A few minutes later...

Me: Don't eat that.
Mom: I need a pain pill...

Eventually she would put it to her lips, then pull it away and say, "Don't eat that." Yeesh. At least that was saving us some time. LOL


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