...Thursday Doesn't Even Start...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

(I feel compelled to finish the song^^.)

It's April Fools Day and Google, erm, I mean... Topeka, is reporting search times in interesting units (Hertz, shakes of a lamb's tail...). Also, check out Street View on Google Maps for a rad 3-D option today.

Every so often I get an interesting email via my crafting website. This week it was from a husband who wrote a very nice note asking me if there were any crafting events in a particular city during certain dates earlier this month. He said his marriage was literally hanging in the balance over my reply. I assume this meant his wife told him she was at a retreat and he suspects she was not.

I did email him back. Luckily for me, I honestly can't recall the events from those dates and I don't have an archive of them anywhere. Also, it isn't really possible to have a comprehensive listing of events, so there were probably some occurring that I didn't have on the site. I would just hate to get in the middle of something like that, although my heart goes out to him for feeling like he needed to do the research.

"Girlfriends' Retreat." It's the new "Business Trip."

Evidently Lent ends tonight. I would have sworn it ended on Easter. All those years of CCD and a Confirmation certificate, right down the tubes. :)

I am so looking forward to this weekend! We're going to Wayne's big ol' annual crawfish boil in Houston. Parrrrtaaaaay! And of course there's Easter Sunday. Hoping for nice weather to possibly get some wildflower photos. :D


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