Thursday, April 29, 2010
Well, I'm all revved up and ready to roll on the job front. I got an interview, which will be sometime late next week. Woohoo!
I had to fill out an application online yesterday, which was about as long a process as rewriting my resume. Holy cow. I just wasn't prepared with short notice. I also had a chat with a colleague from my old company, to ask her to be the contact for my old job, since I have no idea where my former boss is now. That friend encouraged me to get on LinkedIn, where my old boss is one of her contacts. So then I had to figure all that out. Whew! Now I think I'm set. For the moment, anyway!
I keep forgetting to mention Bret Michaels and how shocked and saddened I am that he had a brain hemorrhage. I honestly didn't think much of him before I watched him on 'Celebrity Apprentice.' The guy has a really good heart. A bit manic at times, but he just comes across as a very unpretentious, super-nice guy. I hope he comes through this ok. :(
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