Happy Tax Day

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Yep, we're filed and getting a refund. Woo!

Those of you who haven't heard the JBJ story in person will have to see it. The written and spoken versions just can't convey the full depth of the experience. My reenactment of a five-second interaction somehow requires five minutes, forty square feet of open space, and a venue seating chart with a pointer.

Meme (I lost the link.. sorry)

1. Your thoughts on truck drivers?
For the most part, I think they drive responsibly. It's always that one dorkass on I-35 between here and Dallas, speeding and jumping lanes every two seconds, who drives me up a dang wall.

2. Have you ever done something to hurt someone intentionally... just for the sole purpose of hurting them because you thought they deserved it? Maybe a payback's a bitch sort of thing?
Never. I do think karma is a bitch though. It won't be me who pays you back, but rather the universe in its own poetic way.

3. Is there anyone in your life that when you go to their place of residence, you just walk in without bothering knocking? Does anyone just walk into your house without knocking?
Heavens no.

4. Whats in the trunk of your car? Do you even have a clue?
A trunk organizer, a tire inflater, four reusable shopping bags and a first aid kit.

5. When you go to a family holiday get together (such as Christmas or Thanksgiving), about how many people are there?
six or seven

6. What is in your kitchen sink right at this very moment?
A rinsed plastic bowl and a rinsed roasting pan.

7. Do you fold your underwear or do you just toss it in a drawer?
Toss them. Girly panties aren't really foldable.

8. There is a Harley-Davidson giveaway. Tickets are $100 and they are only selling 250 tickets. Do you buy one?
Nope. I'm more a "$1 ticket, selling 25,000 tickets" sort of girl. And I don't have any use for a Harley, so it would have to be a different item, like a cool trip.

9. You are at a grocery store. On your way to your car with your cart full of grocery bags, you see a black kitten in an empty cart. What do you do?
Check for a tag and call the owner. If no tag, I'd take him home and leave a note at the store.

10. Is there anything that you do for a hobby that you are asked to do for friends/family that most people would hire a professional to do? (example: cake decorating, fixing cars....)
People have had me do scrapbooks for them or as gifts for their friends, even after I stopped scrapbooking my own stuff.


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