Not Suzy Sunshine Today
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Sunday night, my aunt (who I used to say has always been more like a big sister to me) was three sheets to the wind when she called "to wish me a happy birthday." She ended up prodding me into an argument which I spent two hours trying to get out of. (I'm the diplomat, remember?) She said the most hurtful things anyone has ever said to me. I was very sad and upset until a few hours ago, when I reached the point where I am just ticked off. She so obviously had the sole motive of trying to hurt me, and that is not okay. Family or not. Yeesh, especially family!
On top of that, I have a bad haircut. It's a good cut, just a bad style for me. I got it last week and I've tried to get used to it but it just sucks. About four months and I should be good.
My computer running Windows Vista is crapping out more than usual, so we're going to install Windows 7. I always get a funny feeling in my stomach when we switch to the new Windows. Scary, man.
Donna just called to tell me they're streaming the first four songs from our Sunday Bon Jovi concert live on the Bon Jovi website. April 11, 7pm CST. We're in the pit that night! Fun. The promo is already up there.
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