Joyous Easter
Sunday, April 4, 2010
I hope everyone is having a wonderful day so far! This day always reminds me of family Easter celebrations at my grandma's in College Station, setting up stuff at the church with her the night before, egg hunts, chocolate bunnies, Lauren's early Easter days with her pretty dresses... :-)
This "missing older posts link" on Facebook is really ticking me off now. From my extensive internet research, it's wildly common, yet frustratingly random. When the link is missing on the news feed, you cannot view any more than the last 10 items your friends have posted. Along with that, you sometimes can't post comments; the box for comments does not expand when you can type a reply, so you cannot see what you are typing; the notifications flag at the top of the page will not clear; some links do not work like the "more" link on the applications list; no dropdown list appears when you type in the search bar... I could go on, but half of you have skipped to the meme anyway at this point. Not that I blame you...
It seems like a Flash problem to me, but why the random nature? Gah.
It happens and stays that way for several days and then randomly works again. Sometimes everything works in IE, other times it doesn't work there either. I can log in on other computers in the house and it works. It is working for everyone I've checked with, including other users in my own house. One person found a temporary fix by replacing the "http" in the facebook feed URL with "https", although then Facebook chat does not work, along with applications and a few other items.
I've filed four bug reports at Facebook. If you've ever filed these reports, you are laughing with me about that! "Completely unresponsive" is an understatement around there. I'm sure they deal with gajillions of goofy complaints every day, but someone should be filtering through all of them to see the real problem reports.
Sunday Stealing: The 35 Questions X 2 Meme: Part Two
36. If you suddenly became single or are single, do you think you could last in a relationship for 12 months or more?
Of course
37. Do you forgive or forget?
I forgive. It is unwise to forget.
38. Do you trust people?
Yes, sometimes more than I should.
39. What are you not looking forward to?
Nothing really. Grocery shopping?
40. Do you get mad easily?
41. Tell us about the last time you were told you that you have pretty eyes.
It was one of Lauren's elementary school teachers or Cathy's mom or someone like that, saying that Lauren and I both have gorgeous green eyes. Not at all romantic, but very sweet!
42. Do you have strange dreams?
Yes, when I am awake in the pre-dawn hours and then fall back asleep.
43. Ever licked someone's cheek or forehead?
Ewwww. It creeps me out to see someone do that!
44. Tell us about the last time you fell asleep in someones arms.
It was a crisp winter night, with rain softly tapping on the back porch roof... Yeah we're definitely in TMI territory on this one.
45. When did you last play a game?
I play Mafia Wars most days on Facebook. Last time I played a real game was March game night.
46. What do you have on you at all times?
There is nothing I have on me at all times. I don't keep my phone with me 24/7. I take off my rings at night, so even the wedding ring is a no.
47. Do you go out in public without getting all dressed up?
Sometimes. I am typically fairly dressed up.
48. Do you like fruity or minty gum?
49. Favourite musician or group?
Such a hard question. One of my faves the past year or two is Daughtry.
50. Do you like anyone?
I like most people. Heh.
51. Favourite computer game?
I haven't played a computer game in years. Last one I played was Sims, and I mostly built and decorated houses with it. I loved Worms. I also enjoyed silly adventure games like Escape from Monkey Island. One of the coolest games I played was Myst. These totally date me, but yeah. I do rarely still play some of the more interesting solitaire games.
52. First album you ever went and bought with your own money?
Saturday Night Fever
53. Think back five months ago, were you single?
Let me think... nope.
54. Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries?
Not for every little thing, but the big things, yes.
55. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
at 9:30 am on Easter morning? Probably not.
56. Last thing you bought?
Cheese and sausage for the party yesterday
57. Are you a jealous person?
In a relationship? Not typically. I am usually able to discern my guy's female friends from someone I should be concerned with. I'm more relaxed about that because I've always had an overabundance of male friends.
58. Does it take a lot to make you cry?
Nope. It doesn't take much to get me teared up.
59. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
Since I've been married, I don't really "confide" in male friends, just because it seems inappropriate. When I was single, I had several guys I could talk to about anything and everything.
60. Have you ever had your heart-broken?
Why does this question keep appearing? Is there someone out there who hasn't? I bet the Dos Equis dude hasn't.
61. Have you ever done something while drunk that you still cannot believe you did?
Nah. I don't get that far out of my normal behavior when drinking, even when I've been overserved. I may lose some inhibitions and do something I wouldn't normally do, but nothing that would shock me later.
62. Is there anyone you secretly wish you could be spending your time with right now?
63. Do you text?
64. Do you wish someone would call or text you right now?
Sure. Txxxxxt meeeeee!!!
65. Is your life anything like it was a year ago?
No. Since Lauren got her driver's license, life has changed dramatically around here.
66. Go back one year on your blog. Leave us a link to your favorite post.
Gavin DeGraw So fun!!
67. You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life, what is it?
water. I know it's boring. I would say tea, but it would stain your teeth if it was all you drank.
68. Tell us about someone that you have lost contact with someone you wish you didn't.
DOUG WILLIAMS. Dude. Where the heck are you??
69. What is the last thing you said out loud?
"Okay bye!" when Lauren left
70. Will this year be better than last?
I anticipate every year will be better than the last.
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