Ticketmaster Day Again
Friday, April 16, 2010
10 a.m. concert ticket purchase to be made this morning. It's so nerve-wracking, isn't it? Luckily, I'm not going for floor seats, which always makes it all the more intense. There's a whole theory that waiting until 10:10 a.m. is better, because some people are on there just to see what kind of tickets are available, then theirs are released so you can get better than you got at 10. But sometimes, like this same artist last week, the concert sells out in two minutes and you're screwed. Two minutes? This ain't U2, people. And no small venue either.
Why so secretive? I don't want any more competition getting seats for this thing. :-)
Cathy's coming for the weekend. Woohoo! We're going to try to tear Scotty away from work long enough to have a margarita with us on Skype Saturday night.
Friday Five
1. How long does it take you to get ready in the mornings for whatever you have to do on a typical day?
about 40 minutes
2. If you had to retrieve your birth certificate right now, how long would it take before you had it in hand?
2 minutes. It's in a lock box in my closet.
3. How long would it take you, via the quickest means available, to get to the place of your birth from where you are right now?
14 hours. 12 hour flight from Austin to Frankfurt. An hour getting through the airport. An hour drive to Heidelberg.
4. How long has it been since your last visit to the dentist?
about 3 weeks
5. How long is your usual get-ready-for-bed routine?
20 minutes
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