Happy Mothers Day

Sunday, May 10, 2009

It is a joy to be a mom. I have loved it since the day I found out I was pregnant with Lauren.

To all my mommy friends- happy Mothers Day! You ROCK.

Sunday Stealing

1. What is on the walls of your room?
Sepia photos of beautiful architectural landmarks around Austin.

2. What type of music do you listen to?
All types.

3. What do you want more than anything right now?
A new bathroom. *sigh*

4. Do you get scared in the dark?

5. What's your worst fear?

6. If you could do anything right now, what would it be?
Get a massage.

7. What’s the meaningful gift that you’ve received?
My engagement ring.

8. Do you have a crush?
I always have a celebrity crush. Right now it is Hugh Jackman. George is pretty much the old standby.

9. Who is your favorite celebrity?
Since I've mentioned the guys, I'll go with Diane Sawyer for this one.

10. Could you fall in love with someone that you know must leave?
You can't control who you fall in love with, so yes.

11. Share a favorite quote of yours.
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." -Inigo Montoya to Vizzini on his repeated use of the word "inconceivable" in Princess Bride.

12. What’s your weakness?

13. Do you believe that we all have a soul mate?
No. I think we can be equally happy with different people, and the person who is right for you will be the one who is there at the right place and time.

14. What were you doing before Sunday Stealing?
Taking a shower.

15. What do you get complicated about the most?
I had to look at other bloggers' answers to even get this complicated question. I "get complicated" when talking about physiology/biology/medical stuff. I know big words, and I'm not afraid to use them.

16. What turns you off the most from a potential partner?

17. What is your worst habit?
Leaving my shoes on the floor wherever I took them off.

18. When was the last time that you were jealous?
A few years ago.

19. Have you ever had a “friend with benefits”?
Eww. Absolutely not.

20. Do you use sarcasm?

21. At the moment, what’s you favorite song?
"You Found Me" by The Fray

22. What is you favorite day of the year?

23. Describe your love life.
I'm married and my love life is awesome.

24. When was your last one night stand?
I've never had a one night stand.

25. How many past lovers are too many?
Depends on how old a person is. At our age... I'd say... 15 is probably too many.


scotty,  May 13, 2009 at 12:05 AM  

a. Not much...but I do have this big wall sconce that is a cross where the ends turn into a fleur-de-lis.
b. All types
c. financial security
d. no...but if it is total darkness..then I get really freaked out.
e. Dying
f. lose weight
g. One of the first gifts that Fab gave me...we were in Galveston and he bought a little picture frame. It sits on my nightstand with a picture of Fab and me with some friends.
h. Always...right now it is Cenk Uygur from the young turks
i. Natalie Portman
j. Yes
k. It isn`t a quote, but a couple of paragraphs from a book...Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Pirsig describes how people who are the most fervent are the ones filled with most doubt!!!!!
m. no
n. Watching "Damages"
o. legal terms
p. if they have no spontaneity
q. Easily Distracted
r. I`m really not a jealous person...but in college...when my world was falling apart...all my friends seemed so together and were always going to sigma nu meetings.
s. Yes
t. when speaking English
u. Right now I love Time to Pretend by MGMT
v. halloween
w. pretty good
x. spring 2000
y. I have never liked that term...people use it so loosely...I would say over 5.

Kathy May 13, 2009 at 6:45 AM  

I'm with ya on #25 (er...."Y!"... yeesh). Are we talking people one has "been with" or people with whom one has had a serious relationship? Weird term.

scotty,  May 13, 2009 at 9:12 AM  

i know...i have had MANY serious 20 minute relationships. Too many to count...and if there is more than one person...does that count as 2??..0r 3???...etc

Kathy May 13, 2009 at 9:25 AM  

LOL. Yes, it counts as 2 or 3 if we're talking about people one has been with. They count as 0 on the serious relationship meter. (...I would guess.)

So for my answer, more than 5 serious relationships would be a lot. More than 15 people one has been with would be a lot. Not that I wouldn't be with or have a relationship with a person who has had more, I would just think it was a lot.

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