101 Things...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
From Scott... 101 Things. Scotty, please copy/paste. :p
101. My middle name is:
100. I was born on:
a Sunday
99. I am really:
not that innocent.
98. My cell phone company is:
97. My eye color is:
96. My mp3 player is:
an ancient 40G iPod
95. My ring size is:
No idea.
94. My height is:
93. I am allergic to:
mold and pollen
92. I was born in:
Heidelberg, Germany
91. I live in:
The Live Music Capital of the World – Austin, Texas
90. The last book I read:
I haven't read anything lately. Do really long emails count?
88: One thing you hate about yourself:
I get excessively irritated with bad drivers.
87. My favorite Holiday is:
86. The last three cds I bought:
Kelly Clarkson, All I Ever Wanted
Rascal Flatts, Unstoppable
Across the Universe Soundtrack
85. Last song that made me cry was:
Patty Griffin, "Rain"
84. Are you taken or Single:
83. If your taken, by who?:
the husband
82. Do you like being single/taken?:
Yes. I would hate to be dating at this point in my life.
81. What did you do last night?:
Sat outside on the back porch and planned this week's meals on the laptop
:::::I Do (YES)/Do Not (NO) Believe In:::::
80. Love at first sight?
79. Luck?:
78. Fate?
77. Yourself?
76. Aliens?
75. Heaven?
74. Hell?
73. Ghosts?
72. Horoscopes?
71. Soulmates?
Not in the sense of one person meant for one person on the planet, but in the sense of someone who "gets" you- yes.
:::::Which is Better?:::::
70. Hugs or Kisses:
69. Drunk or High:
Neither at my age. If I had to pick- drunk
68. Phone or Online:
67. Red heads or Black heads?
Eek. What? I'll go with Black.
69. Blondes or Brunettes:
68. Hot or Cold:
67. Summer or winter:
69. Chocolate or vanilla:
68. Night or Day:
66. Curly or Straight hair:
For me- straight. For a guy- curly.
:::::Here’s What I Think About::::
65. Abortion:
Pro-choice with a very conservative limit on the allowed gestational period for the procedure. I could never do it myself, but I think it should be a choice.
64. Backstabbers:
Eliminate them from your life. There are too many good people out there to spend your time with.
63. Parents:
are awesome
::::Last time I:::
62. Went out of town:
to Houston for Wayne's party
61. Had food:
SlimFast for breakfast. Same as every day.
60. Saw someone:
at HEB this morning
59. Cried in front of someone?
this morning watching GMA with Lauren when they were interviewing an American woman whose Egyptian ex-husband kidnapped their daughter to Egypt 12 years ago. The mom still hasn't seen her.
58. Grew:
I think I stopped growing when I was in 6th grade.
57. Who is the ditsiest person you know:
My friends know exactly who it is. I won't say her name here. :)
56. Who makes you laugh the most?:
Most of my friends are very funny. It would be hard to pick one.
55.The last movie I watched:
Star Trek
54. What I don’t understand is:
how we will ever get term limits for Congress when Congress has to vote for it
53. The most unsatisfactory answer I’ve ever received is:
It is what it is.
52. Something I will miss when I leave home is:
I left years ago, and I always missed Mom.
51. The thing that I’m looking forward to the most:
Trip to Charleston and the beach this summer
50. The thing that I’m not looking forward to is:
I don't have anything too bad coming up right now.
49. Tomorrow:
is laundry day
48. Today:
is Lauren's boyfriend's 16th birthday, grocery day, American Idol finals (go Kris!). I'm working on the Foundation website revamp.
47. Next Summer:
Charleston, Teresa and Jason visiting, Cathy visiting, maybe a Vegas trip with Kathy, hopefully pulling the trigger on the bathroom remodel
46. Next Week:
Jeff's bday, our 19th anniversary, trip to Dallas
45. People call me:
44. The person who knows the most about me is:
Laura and Cathy
43. The most difficult thing to do is:
see your child in emotional or physical pain
42. I have gotten a speeding ticket:
41. My zodiac sign is:
40. The first person I talked to today was:
39. First time you had a crush:
Carter Clark in 1st grade.
38. The one person who can’t hide things from me:
I think everyone can hide things. It's not a bad thing.
37. Last time someone said something that you were thinking?:
At the PTSA meeting last week. I'm not a member yet, so I was keeping quiet, but someone else jumped in, thank goodness.
36. Right now I am talking to:
No one. I'm answering a survey.
35. What is your dream job?:
radio talk show host. Would love a show like Kim Iverson's.
34. First job?:
is this always a survey question? hostess at Gallaghers
33. I have/will get a job at?:
I will get a job when Lauren goes to college. I may go back into pharmaceutical research, or I may do something totally different.
32. I have these pets:
No pets right now. We want to get a kitten soon.
31. I hope:
Jeff likes his new position at work
30. The worst sound in the world:
an animal in distress
29. The person that makes me cry the most is:
There isn't anyone who makes me cry, really. If I cry, it's usually from a song or a movie or a news story, or it's something going on in my life that isn't directly related to another person.
28. My boy/girlfriend is:
a hugely successful movie star, witty, gorgeous. Sexiest Man Alive- TWICE.
27. Florida or Hawaii:
26. My favorite piece of clothing is:
my new salmon-colored linen top. Pretty!
25. My favorite sport is:
24. Last time I cried:
this morning at GMA, remember?
23. My friends are:
smart and funny
22. My computer is:
new! Whee! A desktop PC.
21. The school I go to is:
Went to A&M
20. Last person I got mad at:
Probably Jeff, but not recently.
19. The all-time best movie is:
Princess Bride
18. The all-time best thing in the world is:
great music
17. The all-time best smell:
banana bread
16. Your current theme song:
"Just Dance" Lady GaGa
15. The most annoying person you know is:
Same as the ditsiest. Ditsy is annoying.
14. I lose respect for people who:
13. The movies I have cried at are:
a million of them! A few are Steel Magnolias, Terms of Endearment, The Notebook
12. Favorite magazine:
Real Simple
11. Favorite web site:
10. I want to be:
the best person I can be, making a contribution to society
9. The worst pain I was ever in was?:
Three words: bone marrow biopsy
8. My favorite word is:
7. My room is:
chocolate brown and dusty blue
6. My favorite celebrity is:
um..... hmmm..... George Clooney
5. My weakness is:
Godiva chocolate liqueur
4. What I like about the opposite sex:
their ability to forgive, forget and move on
3. Who has broken your heart:
John and Jeff
2. One thing that makes you feel great is:
hearing "Mmm Bop" by Hanson. Come on now. You know that song makes you happy!
1. You filled out 101 questions because??
I'm avoiding working on a website.
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