About Us: Part II- Meet the Parents

Monday, May 4, 2009

...We had Electrical Engineering 214 (a.k.a. "Cowboy Double-E," for those playing along at home) together spring semester. I sat with Jeff and our mutual friends. I was the 4.0 Kid before EE214. One would think I was playing dumb to get the boys to "help me" with it, but it was not a play. I was honestly not getting it. But my dumb-assery did get me a lot of time with Jeff and his buddies.

Within the first few weeks, he asked me to the Baylor basketball game and I think it was Steve and Susan we doubled with. We had dinner out first. I talked WAY too much. I was very nervous until we got to the game. This is the infamous game where I accidentally wore my bright, Baylor yellow sweater. Yeah, baby. They gave me so much grief about it. Deserved, but still.

The next day I was out with my buddy Bob and going on and on about Jeff. I called Jeff from wherever Bob and I were and asked him out for ice cream that night. That was like a Wednesday. We talked a lot on the phone and Friday we had our third date. We were pretty much "going out" at that point.

A couple of weeks later, Jeff was going home to Dallas for the weekend. He asked if I wanted to go with him. It was great, other than during dinner, when I accidentally spit a grape onto the table. OY. Later, he said he couldn't believe I went home with him since we had just started dating. He had only asked because he thought he should, never expecting me to say yes. I hadn't thought of it like "meeting the parents" at all. I was just thinking how much I would miss him for a WHOLE ENTIRE WEEKEND.

Dated through spring, and that summer we visited each other between Dallas and Houston. We wrote letters almost every day while we were apart. I still have his. Mine evidently went in the round file. (Don't boys keep anything?)

Dated through fall... Jeff had a motorcycle and it was fantastic to have the bike for football games, for close parking. We rode out to Huntsville once in shorts and tshirts. I always say, had we crashed, we would have been two helmeted, disembodied heads in the road.

Then Christmas break came around again, and our relationship was about to take an unexpected nosedive.


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