S-s-s-Saturday Niiii-iiiight

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Erm... Saturday mornin', but I mentioned the Bay City Rollers in conversation Thursday and it's stuck with me. How did that happen? Jeff's friend Stu went to a Grateful Dead concert Thursday night, while we were at the very first showing of Star Trek, at the Bullock Museum. (The film is flippin' AWESOME. You have to see it!) While we were in line waiting to enter the theater, Jeff was texting him and Lauren asked what kind of music they play. Jeff said they were acid rock. Jeff: not into music. So I explained they were more like folk rock. Then I said, joking, "Like... the Bay City Rollers." Random, but it made me and some UT guys behind us laugh. Ever since that moment, I've had "Saturday Night" stuck in my head. I deserve that.

Jeff is at a launch today. Lauren is hanging out at the boyfriend's house. I'm importing CDs into iTunes. Yeah, somehow I never got around to putting them in. I just read all the music I had on the computer at the time, and started buying stuff at the iTunes store. Now I am finally sucking it up and sitting here babysitting while it imports. If I weren't being selective about which songs I want, I would pay Lauren to do it for me. It takes fooooooorrrrrrrrevvvvvvvvverrrrrrrr. I only have about 150 CDs to go now...

Watched the Dateline on infidelity last night. Jeff once said, when we'd barely been married a year, I could catch him in the very act of cheating and he would deny it. I think that is almost every guy. On the show, this dude's wife found a love note from the girlfriend, and he denied it. Then the wife took the other woman out to coffee, and they chatted about the affair. He was still denying it. Then on the show, he failed a lie detector test. So weird. Give it up. You're caught, buddy. At least come clean so you can move on, one way or another.

S-A! T-U-R! D-A-Y!...


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