A Big Ding Dong
Friday, May 15, 2009
On AI this week, when Danny was voted off, in all the chaos Simon said, "Next week's final will be a big ding dong." We laughed. Ryan asked for clarification, but didn't get any. I figured it was some common English phrase, but couldn't decide whether he meant a good contest or a runaway win for Adam.
One of my friends in England told me that he thought "a big ding dong" is a real fight. That made sense with Simon's mention of no disrespect to Danny. (Awwww, Danny!) I initially thought he was saying no disrespect to Kris, so it was quite confusing.
Later, I found a whole article on the subject. lol.
I'm going for Kris. I just like his singing style better. He has a much better voice and a more "pop" vibe. Adam is an awesome performer. He has a good voice, but while my daughter would love to see an Adam concert, I would not. I would love to see Kris at Stubb's, ya' know?
And.... YAY ROCKETS!!!!!!!!!!!! Sunday, Game 7 at Staples. Now that will be a big ding dong.
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