Old Football Players...
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
...never die. They just kick off.
I watch almost exclusively college football rather than pro. While we were watching the Super Bowl, Jeff kept chiding me for making comments about the players looking SO OLD. I was relentless. (And funny- I saw him secretly laughing once.) But, come on. I am used to seeing the Mark Sanchez's of the football world out there every weekend! Roethlisberger's "going to Disneyland?" Riiiiiiight. With his grandkids, maybe.
Well, yesterday while I was talking to Zonia, I found out that she watches college ball, too. She totally agreed, and thought that the Cards QB looked even older than Roethlisberger. So there. She understands where I was coming from.
And never mind that these guys are all probably 10 years younger than me.
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