Prometheus 'n Stuff

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The example event when you click to add something on Google Calendar is "Dinner at Pancho's." Random! Is Pancho's even around anymore? We used to go there for dinner every now and then, when I was little. I was the official flag raiser at our table. I don't know that I actually ate. Just sat there asking if anyone needed anything.

We saw Prometheus this weekend. Jeff liked it a lot. I thought it was slow. I also didn't like Dr. Shaw's character at all, because she is frail and emotionally weak for a strong female lead. She does manage to survive everything that's thrown at her for two hours though.

I loved the tie-in with Alien, one of my all-time fave movies. I recognized similarities, background/history, etc. Then Jeff told me they started out making it the prequel to Alien, but in the end it was not intended to be that at all. It's just a movie about finding the origin of the human species.

Oh. Disappointing.

Ridley Scott said of the space jockey in Alien, "The very simple question was 'Who the hell was in that ship? Who is sitting in that seat?' and 'Why that cargo?' and 'Where was he going?'" YES! And to me, this movie answers that question and more. They retained enough of the Alien prequel-ness to satisfy fans, and the origin of the species angle fits in just fine.

It was just... slow.  :)

Patrick's Saturday Six

1. Which word have you heard entirely too much this past week?

2. Which word have you not heard enough this week?

3. Which word do you wish everyone would learn how to spell correctly?
Lose (one "O" please, not two)

4. Which word do you wish everyone would learn how to pronounce correctly?

Also Chipotle.

And Pedernales.

Ok, I'm done.

5. Which word would you like to ban completely?

6. Which words do you have more trouble saying: I’m sorry or Thank you?
"Thank you" is always easy. "I'm sorry" is typically more complicated.


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