Yahoo Messenger Woes

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Yahoo Messenger was being annoying yesterday. I couldn't log in through my desktop app, because supposedly I had no secure connectivity via IE. Why Messenger can't use Firefox, which has no issues, I have no idea. It turned out, upon further investigation, I did have https connectivity via IE. Just not to any Yahoo servers.

Then I logged into Messenger via Yahoo Mail in Firefox, which I've never done. (Intentionally anyway. For a while I was logged in there and didn't know. A whole other story.) Well, it turns out, you have to stay on the web page to remain logged in.

Um... no.

So I logged off and did something constructive instead. :)

Two weeks worth of Sunday Stealing... because I can...

61. Ocean or pool?

62. Fridays or Ruby Tuesdays?

63. Did you want to go to college?
Yes. So I did.

64. What did you last time at a mall?
What did I.... what? I was last at Post Oak Mall in College Station with Lauren.

65. Which close friend have you known the longest?
Cathy, since 6th grade

66. Why do you like the music you do?
I especially enjoy music you can sing along with. Love other types as well, but that's my favorite. There is nothing in the world like listening to a song and singing along, by myself, with someone in the car, or with a stadium full of people (where I totally get goosebumps).

67. Do you read much?
Yes, but not many books. Magazines and online articles.

68. Favorite country?

69. What is something you wish you were better at?

70. What’s your favorite album/CD?
Gah. Purple Rain? I have too many faves to list.

71. What's a good dinner order?
Salmon with capers, come sort of cheesy potatoes, Caesar salad

72. Planes or boats?

73. One rumor that’s been spread about you:
I don't remember that any have ever made it back to me.

74. Who is your newest friend?

75. Have you ever sat on a rooftop?

76. Was your last text useful?
Yes, I told Jeff I'd picked up something for him at the grocery store.

77. Favorite soda?
Diet Dr. Pepper

78. Do you like yourself?

79. The worst weather: Hot or cold?

80. Do you play an instrument? 
Piano, but not well.

81. What’s your favorite action movie?
Iron Man

82. Have (or are) you ever been involved someone much older than you?
I went out one time with a guy who was 27 when I was 20. Other than that, I've never gone out with anyone more than about a year older.

83. Do you believe in lust at first sight?
Of course.

84. Favorite type of venomous snake?

85. Do you drink alcohol? 

86. If you wanted to talk to someone who'd lift your spirits, who'd you call?
Laura or Cathy

87. What do you wear to feel sexy?
A leather teddy and red patent stilettos

88. Do you like to learn?
Yes, as long as the subject matter is interesting.

89. Have you ever been hit on by someone who really overestimated their attractiveness?
Haven't we all.

90. Where did you last go on vacation?
Eastern Caribbean cruise on the Oasis of the Seas. St. Thomas, Nassau and St. Maarten

91. Dallas (as in J.R. & Bobby) returns this week. What film or TV series would you love to be resurrected?
Other than FlashForward? My favorite show in the 80s was Thirtysomething, but it wouldn't much apply to me at this point. So I'll go with Miami Vice.

92. Explain your karma beliefs.
I don't believe in it in a religious sense, that God literally rewards or punishes people for their deeds, but I do feel that what goes around comes around. It's just the natural way of things.

93. When do you think that you have a hard life?
I don't think any of us can think we have a hard life, because there's always someone else who has had it harder.

94. Favorite comic strip?
The Far Side

95. Have you ever broken a heart?

96. Should pot be legalized?
In general, I don't think pot is much different from or worse than alcohol. The problem is that people would be smoking it, exposing us all to the health effects of smoke. If people wanted to legalize pills or another form of THC, I would be ok with that. Medical use should always be legal.

97. Have you ever gone skinny dipping with someone that you shouldn't have?

98. What do you do when you're down?
Turn up the tunes.

99. Last time you were really angry?
I don't know. I'm sort of numb these days.

100. What is your favorite flavor in general? 


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