Meme: Shopping Tips
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
I have my "official pre-op visit" with the plastic surgeon this morning. It's actually my third pre-op consult with him. What. I want to get it right!
Cathy posted a Facebook status about her feeling that our rights are being violated with the new airport security measures. Many people weighed in, agreeing and disagreeing. The brother of my first-ever serious crush from sixth grade, strongly disagreed and said something about how we should be grateful they're doing whatever it takes to keep terrorists off our planes. Then my husband gets into a conversation with this guy.
You couldn't have told me when I was eleven that my future hubby was going to be chit-chatting with Bobby's brother. Facebook-- creating wrinkles in the time-space continuum since 2004.
KathyL now has two job offers! Both of my out-of-work friends have gotten double job offers in the last 24 hours. And Kathy may just be able to take a generous severance package and walk right into a new job. Can't beat that with a stick. I am so incredibly happy and relieved for both of them!
Monday Mayhem (on Tuesday of course)
With the holiday shopping season in full swing, we want to hear your shopping tips for the situations below. Have fun!
1. You mention to your neighbor, with the body odor, that you are heading out to the mall in the morning. Neighbor asks to go with. What do you say?
I say, "Sure!" and then fumigate my car with Febreze and hope some of it rubs off.
2. You go up and down every aisle in the parking lot until you finally scope out that perfect place. You patiently pull over to the side and put your signal on to wait for the person pulls out. Someone snags your spot before you can pull in. What do you do?
Key the jerk. Okay, I wouldn't, but I would fantasize about it for a good five minutes before driving on to look for another spot.
3. You find that perfect sweater for grandpa and it's the last one in that size. Some lady with three screaming kids approaches you and asks for the sweater for her husband who is deployed in Iraq. What do you do?
She's lying. I take the sweater.
4. You found the perfect gift for your best friend and you notice that there are no less than 100 people in line in front of you. Unfortunately, you just drank 3 cups of coffee before you entered the store. What do you do?
If I can't take the gift to the bathroom with me, I hide it behind a bunch of things in another department so I can return to grab it. (Did you know that by the sixth grade, your children have mastered this art with books in the library?)
5. You're within 10 people of the checkout after waiting in line for 40 minutes and the person in front of you lets three people in line- he was just saving the spot. What do you do?
Three people is fine. I seriously blew a gasket when that cheer mom let about sixteen girls into our line a few years ago.
6. You get to the check out and your card is declined. What do you do?
Write a check. No biggie. Then I call Jeff and ask what fabulous jewelry he bought me that maxed out our never-even-close-to-maxed credit card.
7. forgot to buy something for Aunt Edna. Do you regift the fruit cake George from next door gave you?
I'd rather give nothing than fruitcake. If George gave me something else, I may be tempted to re-gift that.
8. Are you planning on doing most of your shopping in the stores or online this year?
In stores! Whee!!