Saw 3D
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Saw Saw 3D last night. We've seen all the Saw movies, and it's become an annual activity over the years. Never was there a horror franchise as absurdly disgusting, disturbing and cheesy as this one. It's Motel Hell on a big(ger) budget. (There were even pig masks in this installment! Time to make the sausage. Mwahaha.)
Lauren told me afterward that Cary Elwes, Westley in Princess Bride, played Dr. Gordon in the original Saw and in this one. Whaaa? I had no idea that was him. Perhaps if he had just said something like, "I spent the last few years building up an immunity to iocane powder..."
We kept the glasses, because nothing beats them as nerd glasses when you pop out the lenses. Not that I frequently have a need for nerd glasses, but you never know.
I'm already scouting out activities for next weekend. It's a great time to hike, tour wineries... all sorts of cool things! Can you say slooooooow aaaaaaat wooooork? Come on, Friday!
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