Gig 'em Ags!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Trounced OU, despite the cruddiest third quarter ever and injuries and penalties out the yang. You know you're on the edge of your seat during an entire football game when a full five minutes after the win and subsequent celebrating concludes is the first time you realize have to pee so bad you're not really sure you can make it to the bathroom. Just saying.

Gypsy Picnic was an awesome Austin-y event! Had a great time with Scott, Julie, Jim and the kiddos. There were a few details the event might think about working out, but it was the first year, so I think they did an amazing job. The food trailers were in a giant circle on Auditorium Shores, but the lines were very long and winding, so it was difficult to figure out where the end of your line was and to cross lines to get anywhere. They definitely could have removed all the trailers and tents in the middle of the circle to help that. Long lines took only about 10-20 minutes for most places, which is pretty good.

Ideally, they would have all 30+ trailers lined up next to each other and the waiting lines coming straight out with ropes between. Ahahaa. Impossible, but ideal. You're welcome, Gypsy Picnic planners. :)

Sunday Stealing: The 14 Question Meme

1. What do you consider your hometown to be?
Houston, TX

2. What’s the hardest part of your average day?
when I'm bored at work

3. The easiest? Why?
about 8pm, when dinner and cleanup is complete and we're relaxing and hanging out

4. What beverage do you reach for to quench your thirst?
unsweetened iced tea

5. What is one not-so-secret goal you have for your life? I’ll let you keep your secret ones to yourself.
Having a fabulous entertainment room to treat our friends and ourselves to a perfect spot to watch thrilling football games like last night's!!

6. What physical pain do you fear most? For example, I’m trying to decide how bad my jaw pain needs to get before I risk a potential needle from my dentist. So, for me, throbbing is preferable to jabbing.
it would be a tie between migraines (which I used to get) and childbirth

7. Where do you find solace?

8. What makes you the saddest when you read/see the news?
a child or animal in fear or anguish

9. What do you eat for a favorite snack?
grape tomatoes

10. What movie could you/would you watch more than two or three times and still enjoy just as much as the first time?
50 First Dates & Love, Actually

11. What boy/girl first made you cry?
A mean boy hit me on the playground in first grade. Does that count? heh. My first serious (and unrequited) crush, BobbyM, in middle school.

12. What brand of coffee/tea do you drink most often?
Luzianne decaf tea, Starbucks coffee

13. Dig in the dirt with or without garden gloves?
With. The dirt doesn't bother me, but the thought of touching a worm or other creepy crawly thing does.

14. James Taylor or Carly Simon?
Neither really, but I'd prefer James Taylor.


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