The Flavors of Christmas
Sunday, November 14, 2010
JeffC has figured out the types of exchanges I deem amusing enough to make it onto the blog, and instantly knew that this was going to show up here.
Heard last night in the frozen yogurt shop parking lot--
Me: They have all sorts of Christmas-y yogurt flavors right now. Pumpkin, eggnog...
JeffC: ...reindeer...
Me: ...Santa...
JeffC, Jeff and I: Ewww!
JeffC: Tastes like cookies!
Me: Ewww!
That is just all sorts of wrong.
Sunday Stealing: Another 14 Question Meme
1. Lots of pillows or just one? Describe your pre-sleeping rituals.
I remove all the decorative pillows and add a regular pillow on top of the one I sleep on, at a good TV-viewing angle, so I can watch Letterman. When I'm ready to go to sleep, I toss the extra pillow, and sleep on one.
2. What kind of books do you read?
Non-fiction... biographies, self-improvement, learning books like website development or graphics design (whatever I'm into at the moment)
3. What are your neighbors like?
Very friendly, with a wide variety of backgrounds and interests. Many of them work from home, so there are a large number of adults around during the day, which is nice.
4. What's really creepy to you?
scorpions, snakes, Marilyn Manson, oatmeal, young women who marry old guys, peeling someone's chewed gum off the bottom of my shoe, über-long fingernails, dolls with one or both eyes missing...
5. What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
I don't have one at the moment. That's probably for the best.
6. Do you prefer your junk food sweet, salty or savory?
7. What was the last expensive thing you bought?
8. What is your greatest fear?
That I will wake up from my re-augmentation surgery and he'll have given me double-F's on both sides. Oops.
9. Do you get cravings? If so, what do you crave?
I get cravings for things that you can't make at home, that you can only get at one restaurant, like Torchy's queso or the spider roll at Musashino.
10. What do you do to change your mood?
Usually I listen to music or call/visit a friend. If I'm in a great mood and want to take it down a notch, Sunday morning political shows work wonders.
11. What was the last meal you ate that you loved?
I made this new recipe for balsamic chicken Thursday night, and served it with grapes and our favorite corn casserole. Unlike my regular balsamic chicken, this had roasted balsamic cherry tomatoes and onions all over it. Yummo. The fam was not as impressed with the chicken as I. :(
12. Do you want to learn another language? If so, why?
I would like to learn German so I could talk more easily with my brother and other German relatives. Also, Elvish. Very geek-chic.
13. What's something that you'd like to say to someone right now?
I would like to tell the Aggie football team, "WHOOOOOOP! You ROCK!!" They are masters of the comeback.
14. What are you looking forward to?
Thanksgiving Day. :)
Did you give up on crossposting to LJ? I wondered where you got to and it looks like you've been a blogging posting fool all this time ;-p
Glad to hear the news for your dad wasn't too bad.
Also, what's all this boobies talk?
Ugh! I keep forgetting to cross-post! I need something that does it automagically.
I'll send you a PM about my boobs. :)
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