Four Hours of Sleep

Monday, November 5, 2012

I was up until 2:00 this morning, spending hours working on a resume, letter of interest and paper application (PAPER?) for a cool job for which I'm actually qualified and have current experience. Then I got up at 6:00 to finish the process and get it into an envelope to mail. (Did I mention... PAPER application?)

You know I'm not going to get this position, right? It will be the one I spend five minutes tossing together at the last minute. Still. I had to put in the extraordinary effort, as there is an element of *cue trumpet fanfare* Event Planning to this job. I love event planning!! Remember my wedding, where I had individual printed event notes for each wedding party member? Fun, right? I know!


I actually took time to read through a lengthy, angry political conversation this morning in the comments on a friend's Facebook photo. One guy (not a friend of mine), a very extreme Republican, was ranting on and on about "sanctimonious Independents" and how they are the reason this country is such a mess. He said Independents voted Obama in four years ago, and they need to take responsibility for their stupidity.

Oh brother.

Replying liberals and independents alike had this guy in a tizzy. I think some were just toying with him to see if he would implode. So funny. Sometimes people just need to take a pill.


Anonymous,  November 15, 2012 at 4:23 PM  

Great article.

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