Tuesday Already?
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Dear Maroon 5,
Please add an Austin date between Houston and Dallas. There's a perfectly good night in between. I mean, why not? Right?
On an unrelated note-- Les Mis AND The Hobbit next month. Yaaaay!!
Patrick's Saturday Six: L
1. L is for LACTOSE: What’s your favorite dairy product?
mint chocolate chip ice cream
2. L is for LANGUAGE: If you could learn any language that you haven’t already studied in any way, which one would you choose?
3. L is for LAUGH: Who is the last comedian to make you literally laugh out loud?
Craig Ferguson
4. L is for LEATHER: How many items made of leather do you own?
Several pairs of shoes... one purse... some belts... I don't know really. The first leather item I ever bought for myself was a black leather pencil skirt in London when I was a teenager. That should be on my Facebook Timeline as a life event. One of my coolest purchases ever.
5. L is for LEFTOVER: Which specific food leftover from Thanksgiving dinner do you tire of the fastest?
6. L is for LIBRARY: How often do you visit your local library?
I haven't been in probably 12-13 years. When Lauren was little, we practically lived there.
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