Saturday 9
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Never let your first outing after being sick in bed for several days be a trip to the grocery store. It's a long, labor-intensive errand that tires you out about halfway through, plus you always run into friends there. Alicia's greeting-- "Hey Kathy! You look sick!" Ugh. I know.
I'm still sick enough that I'm actually missing the A&M game today. That is CRAZY. Gig 'em Ags! BTHO Sam Houston State!
Saturday 9: Live and Let Die
1) "Live and Let Die" was nominated for an Oscar as best song. Do you have a favorite movie song?
"Come What May" from Moulin Rouge
2) The latest Bond movie, Skyfall, is crazy successful. Have you seen it/do you want to see it?
I'm not that into Bond films per se, but I'll probably see Skyfall because the reviews have been so good.
3) What do you think makes Bond movies so enduringly popular?
He's that guy who all the guys want to be and all the ladies want to be with. I'm more of a Tony Stark girl, myself.
4) Do you have a favorite among the actors who have played "Bond, James Bond?"
Gotta go with the original- Sean Connery
5) Bond orders martinis -- "shaken, not stirred." What's your regular drink order?
margarita on the rocks with salt
6) Moving from the bar to breakfast -- do you have a favorite cereal?
Honey nut Cheerios. I like Raisin Nut Bran better, but the raisin nuts are all in one half of the box, which means you either get far too many or hardly any of them in a bowl. I hate most cereals with chunks that settle and ruin the flake to chunk ratio.
7) Let's daydream about warm weather. Would you rather swim in a lake, the ocean, or an outdoor pool?
Outdoor pool. Then you don't have to worry about leeches or jellyfish or crabs or sharks. Only snakes, like the one that was in Kathy's pool with us once.
8) Did you get 8 hours' sleep last night?
Ahahaa. I haven't gotten 8 hours sleep since I got sick. Last night was one of the worst- four hours from 4:00 - 8:00 a.m.
9) What are you wearing on your feet right now?
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