Sunday's Saturday Six

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Patrick's Saturday Six: K

1. K is for KAKISTOCRACY: Which president would you rate as the worst in history?
As someone who has despised history class my entire life, I'm hardly knowledgeable enough to answer this question with any real authority. If you ask me who the worst president of my lifetime has been, by strictly an emotional, off-the-top-of-my-head response, I would say Nixon.

2. K is for KARAOKE: If you had to sing a song in a Karaoke tournament, which song would you choose?
"It's All Coming Back to Me Now" by Celine Dion. Yeah, baby!!

3. K is for KETCHUP: Which condiment do you use the most?

4. K is for KEY: What does the oldest key you own open?
my house- 17 years old

5. K is for KITCHEN: What would you most like to change about your kitchen?
I'd like to replace the over-the-range microwave with a stainless steel range hood, then replace the regular double oven with a stainless steel convection/microwave oven plus a standard oven. Then the kitchen would be awesome and have all matching appliances.

6. K is for KNOWLEDGE: Which single school subject has served you the best in your adult life? 
Biology, without a doubt. Helpful in my personal and professional life.


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