Sunday Survey Time
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Well, my office mate has been following a lead on a new job... and she got it Friday afternoon! She gave her two weeks notice. (What was I just saying about people leaving? Ha!) She'll be back to doing what she loves, so that is awesome. I'm so very happy for her!
Sunday Stealing: Let Me Give Your Heart A Break Meme
Do you prefer a lot of ice in your drinks or just a little bit of ice? a lot
Which condiment (ketchup, mustard, etc.) do you use the most of? light mayo
Does war scare you? Yes and it typically seems so pointless. So often, there are non-violent ways to take care of the issue at hand.
Do you know any songs that are older than you are? of course. hundreds.
Are you comfortable sharing drinks with your friends? yes, unless you have some sort of obvious sickness
What season were you born in? spring
Have you ever spent over $100 on an article of clothing? What was it? Most coats are over $100. I've also spent over $100 on boots over the years. One leather skirt. That's about it.
Do you think you’re too hard on yourself sometimes? yes
What pizza place do you usually order from? Domino's
Honestly, have you ever mooned or flashed somebody? I've flashed a few people in my day, but never mooned anyone. I've been in a car where my friends were mooning people, while I was laughing my ass off.
Do you have a least favorite color? no, but if I were to choose one, it would be70's avocado green
Honestly, have you ever written something on a bathroom stall? not even once. Defacing property isn't something I would ever do.
Who do you consider to be the king of pop? Michael Jackson can keep it
Do you know all of the words to any children's song? Oh I know a bunch.
Can you name 3 purple foods? grape juice, eggplant, red onions
When was the last time you made a pinky promise? hmm... college?
What celebrity do you wish would have a big comeback? Don Johnson. I just saw him in Django Unchained. Every time I see him, I'm reminded of my mom's uber-crazy crush on him. It was always so entertaining. My OB, who delivered Lauren, also delivered Don's daughter, Dakota. Degrees of separation from Don to Mom- three: Ob/Gyn... me... Mom.
Do you think your parents know things about you that you don’t want them to? They probably did, and I don't ever want to know what they knew!
Have you ever walked into a spider web? several times. So gross.
What grocery store do you usually get your food from? HEB
What would be your happily ever after? a small, one-story house with a giant media room in a town where we could easily fly here and there on fun trips, everyone healthy and contented
When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people? At the Foundation awards ceremony earlier this year.
Who is the worst driver you know? I can't say here, because I don't *think* that person reads my blog, but she might. :) (It's not you, Laura.)
How about the best driver? Lauren
Are you shorter or taller than most of your friends? shorter. Although I noted in my heels the other day that I was exactly as tall as Stephanie, and how cool it must be to be that tall every day!
Do you know anybody who was born on a holiday? No one whose birthday I know off the top of my head.
What is one thing you really don’t like sharing? my fansite username, because it links me to all sorts of unknown pieces of information on the internet.
Have you ever been hit on through text message? Text messaging wasn't around when I was dating.
What was the last junk food you ate? queso fries at Texadelphia
Do you prefer sweet or sour candy? sweet
What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed? a margarita at Kathy's with Cathy last weekend
Currently waiting on something/someone? I'm waiting on me to get the wallpaper people out here to take down the bathroom wallpaper and then texture and paint.
What was the last thing you watched on television? Outrageous Acts of Science on the Science Channel - the fainting goats episode
How old will you be in 12 months? old enough to know better
Do you sleep naked? sometimes
Have you ever held hands with someone in a car? of course!
Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette? definitely
What do you say during awkward silences? I usually ask an open-ended question to get the conversation flowing again.
When will you next see the last person you texted? the last person I texted was Angel. I won't see her anytime soon. :(
Honestly, when is the last time you have been to Texas? Honestly... I'm THERE RIGHT NOW! Whee!!
Puh-leeze, I knew I was not the unfortunate driver referred to. I am really a GREAT driver, just not in the rain, or heat, or extreme cold, or days that end in y. But other than that, I am tops!
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