Tattoos- Not Just for Whores and Sailors Anymore

Sunday, November 23, 2008

LOL. That is from a t-shirt at the tattoo shop where CJ got her first tatt yesterday. YES. She did it. Holy cow. And I had no idea College Station had tattoo joints at all. There are probably 8 in the BCS metro area.

She got a tiara on her hip:

So we're in CS for a relaxing weekend of... whatever. And it's been that. Yay! Cath is still sleeping. I'm always up before 6, so here I am. Hotel internet sucks.

Some funny stuff so far:

Looking for tiara tattoo design ideas on the net, we were getting these strange images. Instead of "That is NOT a tiara," I kept saying "That is NOT a tattoo." Running gag now.

Cathy couldn't get into facebook with her email misspelled as "homail" instead of "hotmail." HOmail. lol. Without missing a beat, she says that is her "other email" that she uses on porn sites. Ahaha.

At this restaurant Friday night, we had to order at the counter. There was a sign that said this:

Pick up

So we assumed you ordered and picked up at the same spot. Eventually, in the line, we figure out it's just "pick up order here." No line where you'e actually supposed to order. Oy. Let those Aggie jokes fly.

Our hotel elevator has a sign that says "When flashing, exit elevator." ha.

And an amusing story... the first tattoo place we went to on Friday night. After talking to the tattoo artist inside, we were on our way out to come back on Saturday with design ideas. We had spoken briefly with a guy and his girlfriend while they were waiting. She was getting her piercing at the time we left and her boyfriend followed us out, saying "yeah, I need to smoke," then under his breath, "and talk to you for a minute..." We were both already a little freaky about being in the place at all, then this person is following us out to "talk to us." We are so funny. He gets outside and gives us a card for another place, saying never to get a tattoo at the place we were at the time. Only piercings. LOL. Very nice guy. Incidentally, she did end up at another place, after we read reviews online. Not that the place was bad, but there is another one with female artists, which was cool.

This afternoon we're heading to the George Bush Library. Did I mention I keep getting lost in town? In College Station! Good grief.


Anonymous,  November 23, 2008 at 10:40 AM  

The very first gay bar I visited is in was called DownTown Club 222. We called it DT.
By now I am sure there is one in College Station.
There were a lot of gays that hung out at Dudley's Draw.
The last time I went to College Station was the first Aggie Muster after the bonfire collapse.
I got my ear pierced at the piercing pagoda in the mall.
I have a couple more firsts on campus...but it is too X-Rated for this blog!!!!

Opens the door for Texas!!!

Kathy November 23, 2008 at 9:18 PM  

Gay bars in Bryan? Who knew? lol. You'll have to tell me more at our pajama party when you come up.

Tech! Grrr! That is too bad.

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