Burn After Reading
Sunday, September 14, 2008
So, Ike has passed. My friends are OK, although CJ's apartment in Galveston may or may not be.
I am one of those people yelling through my television at the idiots who ignored the mandatory evacuation. ('Round here we call that "Darwinism at work.") If they are willing to take whatever they have coming, fine, but it really ticks me off when they later call 911 and put rescuers' lives at risk. There should be a very steep fine imposed on everyone who asks for help after purposely staying behind during a mandatory evac. And anyone who stays with their children should be prosecuted for child endangerment. Just sayin'.
Burn After Reading was hilarious. Pitt absolutely steals the show. Clooney is incredibly hot and amusing as usual, although he does look suspiciously as if he's been Mystic Tanning. I loved Francis McDormand's self-obsessed character, too. And now we have a whole new slew of Coen movie quotes!
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