Political Epiphany
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Third post in one day? You'd think I had nothing to do. I'm actually bangin' out an event program this afternoon! I am a Multi-Tasker Supreme.
I have come to a pretty definite decision about one thing in this race for Prez:
I cannot vote to put Whats-Her-Name Palin in a position to become President of the US. Although I appreciate her going after her own corrupt Party yahoos in Alaska, and I have respect for her as a woman and mother who has become the governor of a state, I just disagree with her views on pretty much everything. As VP, who cares (other than the fact that McCain picked her... which is a bit of an issue for me as well.) But if she were President, WOW. What a joke this country would be. I just can't fathom it.
I have huge issues with Michelle Obama saying "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country." That one statement speaks volumes to me about her attitudes towards people. And there's the whole master's thesis thing, too. Still, she would be the First Lady, not someone in line to be President. And who really cares much about that. I am not a fan of hers. Of course, I'm not a Cindy McCain girl, either.
I wish I had the excitement over Obama that a couple of my friends have. I really do! I've always liked him, but he's sunk into the typical political rhetoric that I thought he never would. My biggest "policy" concern is that I see him as a tax-and-spend guy. We are all cutting back in our own households. The government should do the same during these economic times. (At the local level as well! Hello, Austin!) Now that he seems to be in the mud with all the other politicians, I just hope he can do what he started out to do, and steer this country away from Democrat/Republican agendas, and use his own brain to make decisions rather than kowtowing to the Party line.
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