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Wednesday, September 24, 2008
From Sunday Stealing
1. My uncle once coaxed my aunt into an oven.
2. Never in my life have I gone skinny-dipping.
3. When I was five my parents were separated for a little while, but I don't remember it.
4. High school was awesome!
5. I will never forget to check the tape in the video camera to make sure it is at the end of the last shot before I start taping.
6. Once I met Jason Seahorn at a charity golf game.
7. There’s this boy I know who takes Drama during his lunch period.
8. Once, at a bar, Jeff pretended to ask me to marry him after we were already engaged. We wanted to see if we could get a free drink.
9. By noon, I’m making sure I have everything I need to make dinner.
10. Last night I was up from 3:30 -6 am, SO nauseated from these antibiotics. Four more days...
11. If only I had a pool and a pool guy to take care of it.
12. Next time I go to church I need to see if April is there.
13. What worries me most is the possibility of Sarah Palin being President.
14. When I turn my head left I see Jeff's rocket construction area.
15. When I turn my head right I see photos and my Duran Duran Rolling Stone from '84.
16. You know I’m lying when I -- I don't know. I don't think you'll know.
17. What I miss most about the Eighties is the cool hair.
18. If I were a character in Shakespeare I’d be-- uh, I dunno.
19. By this time next year I will have a new master bathroom.
20. A better name for me would be Angelina Jolie.
21. I have a hard time understanding principles of electrical engineering.
22. If I ever go back to school, I’ll hopefully go as a teacher.
23. You know I like you if I ask questions about what's going on in your life.
24. If I ever won an award, the first person I would thank would be my mom.
25. Take my advice, never leave your speakers turned all the way up after blasting your music.
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