Candidates Still Vague on Issues

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

So, can either candidate finally give us concrete proposals, rather than generalities at this point? Stop saying "I'm for *insert your favorite issue here*" and tell us how they're going to implement a plan?

Obama, McCain blame economic woes on greed, policy

WASHINGTON - ...In a dizzying day of speeches and statements, neither White House hopeful offered any fresh ideas for turning things around. Instead each relied on the same vague, though vastly different, pitches he has sounded over the past few months for fixing what ails the country.

And they didn't emphasize that they are part of the Congress that has done little to head off the crisis...
From here

In other news, it was really nice to spend a couple of hours with Melissa, one of my old work friends, yesterday. After becoming an associate director and working for a couple of other CRO's, she's a pharma data management consultant now, working mostly from home. Very cool.

We had some excitement here last night when a grass fire erupted at the end of the street. Between the fire department and 35 vigilant neighbors, it took about 3 hours to put it out. There's a good 15 houses between mine and the fire, but it's still freaky.

And something I happened upon: Funny Facebook Status Updates


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