Ike and the Saturday 9
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Looks like Galveston and Clear Lake were both hit really hard by the hurricane. I've been up since 5:30 watching the local Houston coverage. Reminds me of Alicia in '83!
Saturday 9: Whistle While You Work
We are talking about jobs today. Pick any job of your career.
1. Tell us which job your are telling us about, and when you had it.
I was a data analyst in the pharmaceutical research industry. I started right out of grad school in 1990. Within a couple of years, I was a manager, overseeing analysts and projects and revamping data management operating procedures.
2. Where do/did you work?
A local CRO
3. Tell us about that boss.
Karen was from Baltimore. She had the best accent ever. I remember the conversation we had when I told her I had decided I would leave my career to stay home with my baby. She was so positive and wonderful, while sharing that if she had stayed home with her toddler, they would have driven each other crazy. Aww... lol.
4. Do/Did you find your work creative? If yes how?
I wouldn't say it was creative. Database administration is quite formulaic work.
5. Tell us about your favorite co-worker.
I had a lot of favorites! Everyone was great. Ina was my closest friend at the time. She had the creative job, designing case report forms and doing other graphic design projects. She is a funny, happy person. We were pregnant at the same time, too.
6. Tell us about the biggest jerk in that job.
I honestly can't think of any jerks. :)
7. Where do/did you see yourself with this job in five years?
Before I had Lauren, I saw myself continuing with the company, doing even more traveling, moving into upper management someday.
8. Tell us about your commute.
Just a 10-15 minute drive.
9. What hours of the day do/did you work?
8 to 5 most days. Flex time is not much of an option in that particular job. We had to be available to clients during normal office hours.
Well...it's hard to describe bartending...all I remember is a lot of fuzzy nights. On that note I will tell you about my very first job.
1,2,9) Harris Pet Store in Bishop, Texas. ($1,00/hr) 1979. I fed, watered and cleaned the cages.
It was 2 hours after school everyday and 8 hours on Saturday.
After taxes I made about $15.00 a week. That was big money for 6th grade! I worked there for 5 months before my family moved to League City.
3) Mr. Fred Harris..he owned the shop. He was very nice...always wore coveralls!
4) Not creative...sometimes very nasty...there are some smells so bad that words could never describe! I did love working with the animals. Mostly they had mice, rats, rabbits, ducks, guinea pigs and hamsters. They rarely had cats and dogs. Ohh..and they had a LOT of birds.
5) My best friend at the time, Jeff Lykins. We lost contact when I moved to League City...and don't you know we saw each other at Heaven...a gay disco in Houston. In fact, over the years, there have been many guys from Bishop that were gay....it must have been in the water!!!!
6)Freda Harris...the daughter!! I wouldn't call her a jerk..she was nice but VERY sensitive...I swore she cried everyday! I think she was in 8th grade at the time.
7) I didn't...I still can't do that today!!!
8) 10 min bike ride
You were making the big bucks! I had no idea you worked at a pet store.
You can't imagine what you'll be doing 5 years from now?
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