Ten on Tuesday, and stuff
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
So I see Palin is trying to appeal to Democrats with her whole "pregnant teen daughter" thing. *wink to my Dem friends* I just have to shake my head at the whole McCain-Palin campaign at this point. As long as Obama keeps his nose clean, he should have this thing wrapped up.
Just getting back into the swing of normal weekdays today! Hope everyone is having a lovely day.
And now, Ten on Tuesday:
10 People You’d Love to Meet
1. George Clooney :D !!
2. Barack Obama
3. John McCain
4. Anderson Cooper
5. Diane Sawyer
6. David Letterman
7. Steven Spielberg
8. Michael Jordan
9. Steve Jobs
10. Tom Brokaw
It is hard to wrap my brain around the reasoning for picking Palin as a VP for McCain. Maybe it has to do with the oil companies and getting access to Alaska. It sure wasn't for their electoral votes.
It is hard to thnk of people I would like to meet...I narrowed it down to people's work that I love...so mostly my list is comprised of artists and musicians...I made 2...living and dead.
1) Suzanne Vega
2) Elvis Costello
3) Peter Gabriel
4) Philip Glass
5) ErrolMorris
6) Jeffrey Toobin
7) Mario Antonio Guimaraes
8) Fidel Castro
9) Laurie Anderson
0) David Byrne
1) Salvador Dali
2) Jose Clemente Orozco
3) Maria Sabina Garcia
4) John Lennon
5) Che Guevara
6) Ottorino Respighi
7) Marcel Duchamp
8) Dmitri Shostakovich
9) Robert Mapplethorpe
0) Joe Orton
Wow! Nice lists. It is really hard to think of just 10!
Yeah, maybe McCain's reasoning will become clear at some point.
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