Something the girlfriends and I talk about--
If we were ever dating again... for whatever unfortunate reason... well, we usually say "if our husbands were hit by a bus"... we love to think we would be totally cool about the whole situation. Not at all like when we were young and immature.
First and foremost, we would NEVER sit by the phone waiting for a guy to call. We'd be aloof and casual about the issue of "where we stand" and the possibility of "taking the relationship to the next level." We'd totally plan a night out with the girls without a care in the world of whether or not our guy might want to go out that night. We'd make the first move at our own discretion and if the guy turned us down, we'd know it was his loss and happily move on to the next fish in the sea. Yep. We'd be like guys.
At the end of that conversation, we always seem to wrinkle our noses and say "maybe?" Yeah, it's really easy to say all those things when you're married. lol. This week's New Adventures of Old Christine was hilarious, because Christine and Barb were getting back into the dating scene and they were all those terrible girlish things we aspire not to be. SO funny! In one part, they called these guys they had met but hung up because they were too nervous. When the guy called back, Christine thrust the phone into Barb's hand and said she should talk. Then Barb said hello, but Christine said she said it "too sexy." So she said to the guy, "WHAT DO YOU WANT!" And Christine said, "Not MEAN!" Barb went back and forth. Later when she hung up, they were all giggly and hyper. It was freakin' funny.
And now, a relationship survey- very abbreviated version from Bzoink. Yes, that means I took out some of the more interesting questions. Sue me.
Do you still talk to your first kiss?
No, but only because I'm not currently in touch with him. I would love to know what he's up to.
Have you ever written love letters?
Oh yes. It's an art.
Have you ever written a song about a crush?
Have you ever had a song written about you?
No. What's up with that?
Do you like a guy/girl to be taller/shorter than you?
Definitely prefer a guy to be taller than me. I'm 5'4. It isn't that difficult.
Do you get jealous easily?
No. I've always had more guy friends than girl friends, so I can't expect anyone to put up with random jealousy from me. I can tell the difference between a female friend and something more.
Have you ever liked somebody and not told them?
Do you make the first move or wait for the other person to make it?
When I was dating, I almost always waited for the guy to make the first move.
Do you still talk to your ex(s)?
Yes, infrequently.
Have you ever fallen for a best friend?
Yes. Didn't work out so well. There's not chemistry between best friends. I think you have to have that.
Do long distance relationships really work?
Not exclusive relationships. I had a long distance relationship that was non-exclusive that worked alright. It still wasn't ideal. You want to date someone you can actually spend time with.
Have you kissed anybody with a name starting with D, H, P, S, K, L?
Yes. No, I'm not listing the names. :D
Are looks important?
Only in that you have to be attracted to the person. I'm more aware of what we always call "the package." (Heh.) Meaning, I think it's more about the person having themselves "together" personality and appearance-wise, no matter how "good-looking" they are. Sorry... overuse of "quoting fingers" there.
Have you ever made the opposite sex cry?
Not that I know of.
Do you like Valentines Day?
Yes. I don't get crazy excited about it, but it's fun.