Big Day!

Friday, November 13, 2009

This morning at 8:30 the band performs in prelims. Wooo! Then I do the library thing. Then I'm off to help decorate for the big soiree tonight. Then there's the football playoff game in San Antonio and the Foundation party! Also tonight they give out band prelim awards and decide who moves on to semi-finals, which is tomorrow. This week has been caaaaaRAZY. Hoping for a normal week next week.

I have recently bought a slew of one-smaller-size (thankyouverymuch) pants, three of which are slacks that show pantylines. Laura's advice when I asked what to do if I don't like thongs?

"Wear granny panties."

She says the edges sit in all the natural bends and disappear. Yeesh. That is worse than booty floss. Plus, I don't even think that's true. Since I'll never find out, I'll just have to take her word for it.

My daughter is really enjoying the Indianapolis trip. She called and sent a picture of the Lucas Oil Stadium yesterday. :) You know how moms always know exactly where everything is in the house? Well, she asked if I knew where her band uniform gloves were, as she wasn't sure she had packed them. She thought they were in her school bag at home. I said that they were with her gauntlets on the floor by the closet last time I saw them, so she must have packed them when she packed the gauntlets. Even from across the country I know where things are! What is your superpower??


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