Saturday 9: Whenever I Call You "Friend"
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Saturday 9
1) How did you meet your best friend?
I met Laura at Red Lobster, at the first meeting of the South Austin Mothers Club Board for 1995-96. (Our girls were almost 2 then.) She was the new club president and I was the new newsletter editor. We hit it off right away. And thus I became an unknowing co-conspirator in the semi-farce of her touching, tear-jerking Letters From the President each month. ;) We were just talking about that first board meeting, when we grabbed dinner there a few weeks ago!
I met Cathy in 6th grade. A few teammates and I had just quit the volleyball team in a protest (great drama there!) and we were put into a regular PE class. Cathy was new to the school and also to the class. In the locker room after PE a few days later, she was telling another group of girls about her Aunt Patsy, who was a belly dancer. Cathy was belly dancing around the locker room in a towel, which cracked me up. We became instant friends.
2) Mother Winters used to say she loved all us kids equally, but at various times she liked one of us more than the others. Does your "friend ranking" ever shift? Or is the person you think of today as your best friend always #1?
My friend rankings rarely shift. I only change rankings when a best friend has moved away (except for CJ). I've only ever truly "lost" a BFF once - Ina. I still have no idea what happened there. She suddenly stopped hanging out with me about the time she and her hubby started having issues, when our daughters were 2 or so.
Hey! I guess that makes Laura my "rebound" BFF. Ahaha.
I tried to reconnect with Ina a few years ago, but she wasn't interested in keeping up. *shrug*
3) What makes you a good friend?
Loyalty. My friendships can typically withstand a hurricane.
4) Think back to your childhood -- what games did you and your friends like to play?
Let's see... Sorry, Trouble, Red Rover, Freeze Tag, Password, Red Light/Green Light, Mother May I, Simon Says.
5) Would you rather lose your hair, or the little toe on your left foot? (Yes, you must commit to giving one up.)
Easy! Little toe.
6) Think of the phrase, "like nails on a blackboard." What is your least favorite sound?
Owl City
7) Do you add fabric softener to your wash or place a softener sheet in the dryer?
Softener sheet
8) Showtime, HBO, or neither?
Neither, but there are shows I would like to watch on both! Netflix.
9) Have you ever fired a gun?
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