The 5000 Question Meme Continues... Part Six
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Yeah, it looks like I didn't do any of the previous five parts. Did you? If not, here are the links to the first 120 questions:
The 5000 Question Meme, Part One
The 5000 Question Meme, Part Two
The 5000 Question Meme, Part Three
The 5000 Question Meme, Part Four
The 5000 Question Meme, Part Five
Sunday Stealing: The 5000 Question Meme Continues... Part Six
121. Have you ever lost someone without having the chance to say goodbye?
Well, of the people I've lost to death, my parents have been the only two to whom I had a chance to say proper goodbyes. I'm very grateful to have had that opportunity with them. Did anyone ever move away or randomly disappear, and never say anything or write or call? Nah.
122. How do you feel about women in politics?
Uhhh... the same way I feel about men in politics.
123. Would you rather have an indoor Jacuzzi or an outdoor pool?
outdoor pool
124. What things are you interested in, that you study or read about regularly?
organization, travel, electronics and app news
125. Would you consider yourself to be intelligent?
126. Would you consider yourself to be wise?
A wise-ass, perhaps.
I don't know. My mom was very wise. She always had the answers to life's deep questions or problems.
127. Have you ever given or received a lap dance?
No comment.
128. Have you ever spoken to a homeless person?
Yes- one who was covered in bloody bandages and had a hospital bracelet on, rolling down a hill downtown in a wheelchair, who then fell out of it. I helped her up off the ground and back into the chair. Not the smartest thing I ever did without latex gloves, but you can't leave a recovering hospital patient in a crumpled heap on the sidewalk.
129. Would you ever creep into the subway tunnels to go exploring?
Like on the tracks? Hell no.
130. If you could add 70 years to your life but only by making some random person die 70 years sooner would you?
No thanks.
131. Can you identify any of the following lyrics?
A: Nothing to kill or die for...
"Imagine" John Lennon
B: Late comings with the late comin' stretcher...
hmm. Nope.
C: I could make a film and make you my star...
No again. :(
132. Are you worried about North Korea?
Nope. China would have a problem with them messing too much with us.
133. Would you rather be a world political leader or a talk-show host?
talk show host!
134. Have you ever given someone a love letter that you wrote?
Many many times, yes. Or do you mean someone with whom I was not in a relationship? Then never.
135. Have you ever sent someone a surprise though the mail?
Many times. Especially during college. My girlfriends and I were always sending each other things. That just reminded me- do you remember those envelopes at Spencer's that are pre-return-addressed from places like a Herpes Clinic or a parole officer? OMG. We used those all the time for letters. Ha! I lived with my grandparents, and most of my friends were in dorms. Maximum effect.
136. Are you looking forward to any dates right now? Vacation perhaps?
I just got tix to Maroon 5, with Kelly Clarkson and Tony Lucca. (Tony! Who knew?)
Bruno Mars Aug 14
Train Aug 4
Maroon 5/Kelly/Tony Sep 18
137. Of all animated movies, which is the best one you've ever seen?
Yikes. I guess I would say... Toy Story!
138. What are the best bands or songs to listen to while driving?
Anything rock. Daughtry is awesome.
139. What do you think is the most amazing thing that anyone has ever accomplished?
Space travel. I'm shocked that any person ever had the guts to do it, especially when it first began. It's still amazing today!
140. What could a member of the opposite sex do to impress you?
I think I'm most impressed by intelligence. If he gave a talk on something or even just participated in a discussion, with an in-depth and well-rounded understanding of a complicated topic, I would be into that.
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