Drinkin' and Cussin'
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
When I was a first-semester freshman at A&M, I didn't like beer. I was told that I couldn't be an Aggie and not like beer, and that I would like it by the time I graduated. I don't seek out beer as a beverage of choice today, but I ended up drinking a helluva lot of beer in College Station.
Ari is an Aggie, and when we were out last week, she would only taste a Shiner Ruby Redbird. I said, "How did you make it through four years at A&M without acquiring a taste for beer?"
She said she hates it, and she drank whiskey. I said that hard liquor was too expensive for college student budgets. Ohhhh, she said, when she didn't have access to the hard stuff, she'd drunk a lot of Coors Light from kegs in her college days.
Well there's the problem. You have to go at LEAST Miller Draft.
So when I started my new job in January, I was told by more than one person that if I wasn't much of a cusser, I would become one, as people there aren't shy about throwing around the four-letter words.
Today I called Microsoft Word a M-F'er. You know how a document is all perfect and has a Table of Contents and stuff, and you try to edit it and everything goes to Hell in a handbasket in about two keystrokes? Text starts running off the edge of the pages and bullets disappear and your tables break... Am I right???
Crystal was amused and declared our office "The F-Bomb Capitol of the World."
So now I'm a drinker and a potty mouth. All I need now is an F'in cigarette.
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