
Friday, June 7, 2013

The DJs were talking this morning about a new facility at DFW airport that rents you a small (doctor's office size) room with a bed, HDTV and computer with internet for $34 per hour. A 30 minute shower (with shower gel, shampoo, hair dryer- the works) is $25 à la carte or only $15 with a suite rental. The suites are for "relaxing" or "napping" or "getting some work done."

Uh... Clearly this is where you get it on with your significant other... or the person with whom you just had too many drinks at the airport bar.

Just saying.

No worries, actual nappers! There's a sound-masking system in every suite.

Lyrics of the Day

...I wanna wake up where you are...

"Slide" Goo Goo Dolls

Most of you will skip over the lyric, but if you read it again, you might find that it's one of those single-line, punch you in the heart, well-written lyrics that packs a lot into a few words.

Off to the Grove. Happy weekend, y'all!!


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