So I Picked Her Up...

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

At a vendor dinner last night, the vendor's project manager was talking about how Dobermans are naturally sweet dogs. He has two, and said if they exhibit any sort of dominant behavior as puppies, you turn them over on their backs in a submissive position, and that keeps them from developing any sort of power issues.

Then their BD guy, who has a Rottweiler, said you have to really establish dominance over Rottweilers when they're young, so they won't be vicious as adults. He explained that when his was a puppy (illustrative gesture "this big," about the size of a soccer ball), she ate something off of a plate on the dinner table. He scolded her and she growled.

" I picked her up and SLAMMED her on the table." (illustrative gesture "SMASH!")


"Yep. She never did that again."

Yikes. I suppose not.

Most awkward moment ever.

Song Lyrics of the Day

If I.... fall... for you..... I'll never recover...

"Love Somebody" Maroon Five


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