Carl Himself

Thursday, June 20, 2013

All-day vendor meeting... room of about 14 people... We were wondering when a particular asset changes in the databases.

Nathan: ...It's perversion.
Jennifer: Sorry?
Nathan: It's perversion.
Me *thinking I don't think that word means what you think it means.*
Nathan: It switches with each new version of the software.

Ahh. It's per version.

SO... I mentioned the following story here before.

There's a guy named Brandon- at least that's what we think it is, because we call him "Carl Jr." and none of us can remember his real name from when he told us a month ago. He passes by our lunch table at work fairly frequently. Stephanie spotted him the first time he passed, kept smiling at him and finally (about a month ago) told him her reminded her of her ex-boyfriend Carl (from 1993).

We and she have since had a few conversations with Carl Jr. in the morning and at lunch. Steph brought a photo of the real Carl back in May to show him, but Junior never comes by on the days she brings it downstairs. It's like a running joke. Either Carl Jr. or the photo are at lunch, but never both. Carlito is probably 30, while the real Carl is 46 or 47 today (seriously twenty years since she moved out of state and they broke up to avoid the long distance thing), so Carl Jr. is more a blast from the past (and S getting her flirt on) than anything.

Well, she has had that photo of Carl and her on her desk for weeks now. This weekend, she checked her personal email account (which she rarely does) and found a LinkedIn request from THE REAL CARL.

She was a bit hurt that he didn't include a personal message, just the generic "I would like to add you to my personal network on LinkedIn." So she carefully considered her response (hee hee heeeeee...I was already dying at this part of the story) and just clicked accept, without sending a message to him either.


The next day, after what I am certain was a calculated "wait" on his part, he messaged her and asked how she was, etc. Within a few hours they were on the phone, talking for HOURS. At one point, he said he was hurt that she just accepted his LinkedIn request without saying anything else. Aaaaahahaa. "You didn't say anything to me first!" Oh man.

Monday, she told the company chicks the whole detailed story. That girl was and still is beaming. Just beaming. I said, "Man, you are going to be hard to live with the next several months. I can tell." But honestly, it's so great! She tells me every text he sends through the day. She cannot stop smiling. I'm incredibly happy for her. Even if it means she may be moving to the east coast. *cough*

They are making arrangements to meet either here or there ASAP.

It's just such a neat little coincidence that the whole Carl Jr. thing is happening. Yes? She hadn't really thought a lot about Carl until she saw Brandon. Then BOOM. Carl showed up.

Too fun!

She said one of her photos was taking forever to send over her phone yesterday. I told her the naked ones take longer. She feigned shock. Yeah, I know what the kids are doing these days. ;)


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