Man vs. Wild and stuff

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Laura has me hooked on Discovery Channel's "Man vs. Wild," where the British Special Forces dude gets dumped in various scary places and has to find his way back to civilization. Our game is to figure out at which point in the show we would have croaked due to a mistake or lack of some personal characteristic required to make it through a particular challenge. She holds the record at 3 minutes in. (Yeah, we count the record for the shortest survival time.) Although... I must say I might have crashed into the rocks on that island when he got dumped into the ocean. Or maybe I would have just drowned getting there. Who am I kidding? lol

Whatever happens, I will never... ever... drink water from squashing elephant poop over my mouth. Ever. Dead in Africa about 30 minutes into that episode.

Turns out my uncle died of a massive heart attack, completely unrelated to his cancer. His blood pressure had been running pretty high for a while, and they think that's the cause. He had felt "bad" for a few days, and had been to the doctor, who didn't find anything. So it was sudden and unexpected. I'm really glad I talked to him last week.

The Foundation internet project is underway and functioning on the back-end (that's my end). Yay!

We're almost done disposing of our hazardous waste from the garage. Only fertilizer and paint remain. That will take an afternoon trip out to the Household Hazardous Waste facility in East Austin. Load 'em up! Move 'em out!


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