Saturday Six
Monday, June 11, 2007
1. What do you consider more important to your long-term happiness: your relationships, your location, your career or your dreams?
2. Other than a significant other, how many people do you feel you can truly turn to for advice?
3. Of the people you think know you best, how surprised would you think they would be if they knew “everything” there is to know about you?
I think the people who know me best know everything there is to know. I don't keep the "shocking" or less-flattering things a secret from them.
4. Take the quiz: Are you living the wrong life?
Your life is 41% off-track. Right now, you're taking things one day at a time.
Some things are going well, but you can't help but wonder if you're getting the most out of life.
It's time for you to slow down and reflect a little. You can change your life - but it's up to you!
5. What is the longest you’ve stayed in a job you weren’t happy in?
2 months, one summer during college, at a mall shoe store.
6. What single factor made you stay the most?
I didn't want to go through the hassle of changing jobs for just a summer thing.
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