Firefox 3 and Blogger
Friday, June 27, 2008
I'm a huge fan of Firefox, and all that it represents in the movement to establish and follow standards on the web. Blogger is not working with Firefox 3, for various reasons discussed by many on message boards across the internet. Nothing irritates me more than having to bring up an IE window to view a website. Okay, someone driving 45 on the freeway irritates me more, but go with me on this.
I see the quick-edit widgets, but can't use them because the pop-up window doesn't function. Can't do new posts either. I have my cookies on and my network.http.sendRefererHeader is set to 2. These are the only semi-relevant suggestions I've found on the issue thus far.
So please, can someone tell me what Firefox settings I need to update my blog without invoking Bill Gates' crummy browser?
ETA: Still haven't found a real solution, BUT if you just switch to Blogger in Draft, using to log in, the post editor will function- and with new & improved interface!
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