America's Edgiest Home Videos

Thursday, February 10, 2011

One of my old high school peeps has suddenly taken to posting artistic, emo videos of himself on facebook. They are compelling, edgy and massively creative, as his projects always were, back in the day. I finally figured out that the whole time I'm watching the evolving series, I'm mostly waiting to hear him talk, which he has not, although he's singing along with a really loud song in one of them. People always sound exactly the same as they did twenty years ago. Find someone you haven't seen in forever and meet up, or get on the phone or Skype. It's very weird and cool.

Ironically, the most recent video features him holding up signs with sentences written on them. Seriously?

I was listening to BT's old Emotional Technology cd yesterday. It's been quite a while since I've run through the whole thing. I love almost every song.

One of the best tracks- "Somnambulist". The complexity and movement of the sound is just mesmerizing, and best heard through awesome headphones, which I don't have at the moment. :(

My favorite part- the second verse- begins at 1:30. Favorite moment of the whole thing at 1:55. "...DARK..." And the rewind at the end is pretty cool. That's on the album, not just for the video.

Simply being loved is more than enough...


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