Words with Spouses

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This cat will not stop pestering me for tummy rubs this morning, so I haven't been very prolific with the blogging, though I've been sitting here for at least ten minutes.

J and I played "Words with Friends" for the first time last night... tossing his phone back and forth. I can report that it isn't very fun in that mode. WWF is meant to be played over time and space, turn by turn, so it doesn't really lend itself to live play. When you play Scrabble, you have your letters in front of you and you can plan your next move on the board while your playmate is taking a thousand years to place his word. Especially when you're like me, compelled to place letters on specific squares for maximum points. It takes a while to make sure you can't think of a word to fit M_ _Q. (Triple letter on the Q!)

Laura called me last night after her 8:30 bedtime, told me she'd had two margaritas and started sending me several photos of her friend and tablemate, Shawn, from his phone. Two margs is a lot for her, but when I saw the first pic, I realized they (Laura, Shawn and Megan) were at Chuy's. Oy. Chuy's margaritas-- even worse. At some point she was trying to convince me that the Half Your Age Plus Seven rule (as the minimum age you can date) was actually the Half Your Age Plus TEN, which would include Shawn, who is 27. (Or NOT. LOL) Very entertaining. I assume she wasn't driving...


Anonymous,  February 16, 2011 at 9:48 PM  

I was not driving!!!! But yes, I was up WAAAAYYYYYY past my bedtime. And - do not imply I am looking for a boy toy. I am virtuous and upstanding!!

Kathy February 16, 2011 at 10:00 PM  

*raucous laughter*

HEY! Go to bed.

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