What is 'BTHO LSU'?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Two people came to this blog last month via the keywords "what is BTHO LSU?" I'm very thankful to have a platform by which I can educate the public on Aggie sports jargon. It stands for "beat the hell outta LSU." We say it for every opponent each week. BTHO Baylor/t.u./Tech/etc.!

Of course, people are still arriving in droves from the slight variations of the search term "anal girl." I just have to embrace it at this point.

Patrick's Saturday Six

1. What do you fear most about flying in an airplane?
crashing during takeoff

2. Have you ever had a provider lose your luggage? If so, how long did it take for them to find it?
I vaguely remember being in the lost luggage office at an airport (maybe our Toronto trip?). I'm pretty sure they sent it to our hotel within hours.

3. Where would you prefer to sit on an airplane: by the window, the aisle or in the center?
Aisle, which is based 90% on being able to get up whenever I want to, without disturbing anyone else in the row... and 10% on being completely claustrophobic in the window seat.

4. Take the quiz: What Airplane Seat Are You?
You Are a Middle Seat
You are an outgoing, friendly, and likable person. You enjoy being in the middle of the action. You trust others freely. You enjoy cooperating and collaborating with people from all walks of life. While no one likes being in the middle seat, you're happy to make the best of it. Your positive outlook creates a lot of stability and security... both for yourself and for those around you.

5. If you had to book a flight this evening, which airline would you prefer to fly with?

6. What’s the last place you flew to?


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