They Got Nothin' on Youuuuu Babe

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Have had that song in my head since the Grammys. ...nuh nuh nuh nothin' on you.

It turns out I actually know several people who weren't Valentining this year. It's always after these posts are posted that I realize these sorts of things.

Last night, Jeff and I went to Izumi for sushi and then went to see Just Go With It. The movie was pretty cute! (There is a running NSYNC gag, which was quite amusing.) Jeff gave me these awesome Chocopod chocolates in various flavors like Panko, Spicy Maya and Firecracker. The Firecracker one is chipotle pepper, salt and teeny weeny pop rocks. It was yummy. We also tried the Coco, which is coconut/almond/cinnamon/coriander. Mmm. Sushi, chocolate and a movie on a Monday night? YAY! Let's do it again next week.

The AISD layoffs (almost 1000 people gone out of 12,000 employees) were handled so incredibly poorly. People found out from a list on the website last Friday that they were being let go, rather than from their principals. This layoff is particularly bad, because people are unlikely to find jobs in other districts, who are dealing with the same budget issues. The least they could have done is have a person deliver the bad news.

Still up in the air-- closures of underutilized schools. WTF. Close those half-empty buildings. Keep some people's jobs instead.

Oh, Jason is back on Facebook. See? No one can escape.


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