Cycling "Sprint"?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

After the brief roundup of Olympic news for the day, NBC launched into the first primetime event of the evening last night... Indoor Cycling Men's Sprint. I know from previous velodrome events, that the cyclists' feet are locked into the pedals, so they have to be held up by people until the race starts. It looks so silly. There could easily be a contraption that hooks into the front wheel and opens up to let them take off at the start... but eh. It's funnier and far more awkward to have people wheel them around like parents teaching a five-year-old how to ride.

Anyhoo... the race begins. It's a three-lap deal. They start around the track at a pace so slow, they can barely stay upright.

I am not kidding.

The guy in front is constantly looking behind him. I'm thinking, GO! What the...?!!

Jeff explains to me that he's watching the guy in back, because that guy is going to "make his move" at any moment.

... time passes...

They make it all the way around the loop and the guy in back still hasn't done a darn thing. They move from the inside of the track up to the outside. Oooh. *fingers drumming*

Still going incredibly slow. Front guy is still looking back. Now I'm just getting annoyed. I'm guessing no one in the sprint cares about their time. Wondering if there is a medal for longest time. Imagining that if they go any slower, one of them is bound to fall over. Feeling like I should switch the channel to Real Housewives of NYC.

After I whip up some light snacks and beverages, lap three starts. Finally the guy in back makes that move Jeff was talking about. They are actually racing! I totally miss that they crossed the finish line, because they continue riding around the track at top speed. So they inch around the track for two laps, then take off and never ever stop? You've got to be kidding me.

Ahh. Evidently they are going to start again. It's best two out of three. Kill. Me. Now.

Thank goodness they switched to diving coverage then.

For the Olympic suggestion box: Make the cycling sprint one balls-to-the-wall lap. No pointless lollygagging.

Speaking of sprint... Congrats to Bolt the other night on the 100m! What a race!


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