
Friday, August 3, 2012

For a few weeks, my lips have been somewhat swollen. I finally got concerned enough to go to our family doc (well, the PA), who had absolutely no idea what it was, but told me that she used to work in a med spa and I look like I have lip injections gone wrong.

So now I have swollen lips and a complex.

I went to my dermatologist the next day (well, his sub because he's on vacation), and she said I am allergic to something I've been putting in my mouth or on my lips. I haven't been using new lipstick or anything, so she thinks it's something I've been using for years, to which I've developed an allergy. That sort of complicates figuring out what it is.


toothpaste- either the mint flavor, tartar control ingredient or whitening ingredient
gum- mint flavor
mouthwash- mint flavor or any number of other ingredients
lip balm (Burt's Bees)- beeswax, mint or eucalyptus
lip balms (others) or lipsticks- sunscreen

We've removed all those things from my life for the moment, plus anything with mint flavoring. Then we add things back one at a time to identify the culprit. I'm also applying a steroid cream to my lips twice a day, in hopes the whole "bad lip job" thing will resolve within two weeks.

I'm brushing my teeth with baking soda. It makes me want to hurl, but I only have to put up with it for three weeks. I am newly thankful for toothpaste.

I wonder if I can have a piece of cinnamon gum.


Huge day for our US Olympians yesterday! My favorite medal ceremony reaction so far- Kayla Harrison who won gold in Judo. Bust out the tissues....

Watch the ceremony here

She sang AND cried. Love it!!

You've come all that way, done all that work, dedicated your life to something and you've won. Feel it! We at home have just jumped around our living rooms for five minutes, high-fiving each other. It's then sort of deflating to watch the medal-winner(s) stand emotionless on the podium.


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