LOL Internet

Thursday, August 2, 2012

So happy to see the Nathon Fillion/ Anne (and Wil) Wheaton photo on The Bloggess. Yeah, I saw it two weeks ago, but for some reason, it just popped into my head to share with you. If you know the whole story behind that photo, you will LOVE it! If you don't know the whole hilarious history, click all the handy links she's added and catch up.

And this is for... well... anyone who "gets" this:


Between Jenna and Jenny, the internet is a pretty darn entertaining place.

Patrick's Saturday Six

1. What do you like most about your blog?
It's usually a place I can say whatever I'm thinking. Now and then, what I'm thinking shouldn't be written down, but most of the time, yes.

2. What do you like least about your blog?
Dealing with spammers.

3. What do you think is the most intimidating part about writing a blog?
Feeling pressure to keep it current. If you don't write regularly, no one reads. Although, I recommend using an RSS reader to keep up, especially with people who blog infrequently, so you don't have to go there all the time to see if they've updated.

4. How long does it take you to compose a typical post?
I probably average 20 minutes. Anywhere from 2 minutes to 45 minutes.

5. How often do you experience writer’s block on your blog?
Once a week.

6. What’s the easiest improvement that you want to make on your blog?
The easiest is a change I just made yesterday. Recently, YouTube changed their TOS to only allow embedding of players at least 200 pixels in width and height. My sidebar only allows 280 pixel width, which results in a 158 pixel height, so my Favorite Song of the Moment hasn't played directly in a while. You get an error message that says, "The player is too small." You can always click on the YouTube logo and watch there, but it's a pet peeve of mine to have something on a site that doesn't work the way it should. So I have decided to always find a copy of the video somewhere that allows direct play from the sidebar from now on. For the main post area, I still post You Tube vids, because they can easily meet the minimum embedded player size requirements.


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